Confident professional in office environment
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Rumzer LCA

Think circular economy.

  • Take product stewardship to the next level with product Life Cycle Assessments (LCA).
  • RumzerLCA integrates openLCA with Rumzer MatCheck for full visibility into product compliance and sustainability.
  • Get head of your competition by turning product stewardship into a competitive advantage.

Elevate product stewardship.

Turn product stewardship into a competitive advantage. Ensure your products align with global environmental and industry best practices from material extraction to end-of-life.

openLCA platform

The power of open.

openLCA is the world's leading, high performance, open source Life Cycle Assessment software. It offers almost 100,000 different data sets and access to a global ecosystem of LCA professionals and learning tools.

  • openLCA offers the largest collection of data sets and database worldwide for LCA software.
  • Avoid costly vendor lock with an open source LCA solution.
  • Leverage the benefit of openLCA's growing LCA ecosystem.
synch openLCA models to the cloud

RumzerLCA + openLCA

openLCA's unique collaboration model allows distributed users to develop LCA models on their local device. RumzerLCA acts as a central repository where geographically dispersed analysts can publish their openLCA models. This allows global teams to collaborate and share complex LCA models efficiently and securely.

  • Users manage LCA models on their local device.
  • Publish openLCA models to your dedicated, centralized Rumzer cloud database.
  • Integrate with Rumzer MatCheck and more for a complete product stewardship view.
See all product stewardship data in one place

Centralize product stewardship.

See all product stewardship data in one place by integrating with Rumzer MatCheck and more. Understand how your products stack-up across various global regulations and internal objectives.

  • Centralize your global product stewardship assessemnt data.
  • See product life cycle, material, CE mark and product carbon footprint assessments in one place.
  • Leverage the power of openLCA and Rumzer's product stewardship suite to gain competitive advantage.

Power up product stewardship.

Turn product stewardship into a competitive advantage with Rumzer.