Two professionals working at desks
Rumzer PCF

Product Carbon Footprint Software

  • You can wait for the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation to come to you or you can join the RumzerPCF beta.
  • This is your chance to influence our PCF application...and save money!
  • Free to join. Discounts to partcipants.
Win-Win Beta Testing

You get the software you need. We get user feedback.

Participating in our beta testing program allows you to gain early access to our PCF software and contribute to its development. You'll have the opportunity to offer your requirements and feedback on the application before the official release.

Participating companies will get 1-year free access for up to (5) users.

Interested? Simply complete the contact form below, and we'll schedule an intro call with you.

Join the beta!

Get the PCF compliance software you need without shouldering the cost and risk associated with software development.

Ready to join?

Be heard.

This is your chance to get your Product Carbon Footprint requirements in front of a group of talented software developers.

Save money.

Participation is free and your organization will get 1-year free access to RumzerPCF for up to (5) users.


Team Rumzer is a talented, driven group of technology professionals hell-bent on creating the best, most cost effective solutions to your product compliance challenges. You'll enjoy our open, collaborative, can-do approach.

Get ahead.

Like it or not, Product Carbon Footprint regulations are coming your way. Get ahead of your competition and start working with RumzerPCF today!

Get ahead.

Turn product stewardship into a competitive advantage with Rumzer.