
Great team. Big mission.

Our mission is to create technical solutions that enable companies of all sizes to affordably practice effective product stewardship — a commitment to human well-being and environmental sustainability.

What drives us?

Maximizing product stewardship.

We believe that technology should not only drive innovation but also contribute positively to the well-being of our society and planet. To that end, our technology enables manufacturers of all sizes to implement effective, affordable product stewardship processes.

Engineered for Product Stewardship

Professionals working together

E2E Product Stewardship

Product stewardship goes beyond regulatory compliance. It’s about taking end-to-end responsibility for the entire product lifecycle. Our product compliance support spans the entire life of your products - from cradle to grave.

Map of the Americas

Americas Based

Founded in Madison, Wisconsin in 2019, Team Rumzer is based in the Americas. Our bilingual team supports both English and Spanish speaking customers.

Contact Us
Founder Ted Messerly

Engineer Focused

Founded by engineers, Rumzer is tech focused. Our founder has 25 years experience in solving product development and compliance problems.

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Rumzer team on video call

Global Talent

Rumzer embraces the remote, mobile work environment. As such, our talent includes the best and brightest talent available.

Become part
of our team

  • Software developers
  • Compliance professionals
  • UX/UI
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Project Management
  • Operations

Ready to get started?

Get the software you need to get your compliance team moving.