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EU SCIP Software

  • SCIPBridge is middleware that enables you to automate EU-required SCIP reporting from your ERP, PLM or internal compliance application.
  • Eliminate cumbersome manual processes while fulfilling EU-required reporting requirements.
  • Extend the functionality of your internal applications without the investment require to build and maintain your own SCIP integration software.

EU SCIP Reporting

As of January 5, 2021, manufacturers, importers and distributors that supply articles containing EU REACH Candidate List substances have obligations to submit SCIP notifications to the EU.

SCIP Bridge

The obligation to submit a SCIP notification covers all articles placed on the EU market containing a substance of very high concern on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1 % w/w. The following suppliers of articles need to provide information to ECHA:

  • EU producers and assemblers,
  • EU importers,
  • EU distributors of articles and other actors in the supply chain placing articles on the market.

Retailers and other supply chain actors supplying articles directly and exclusively to consumers are not covered by the obligation to provide information to the SCIP database.

SCIPBridge is the remedy.

Why SCIPBridge?

  • Automate SCIP publishing.
  • Leverage your existing IT investments.
  • Elimninate the need to develop and maintain SCIP-specific software.
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You Do You

Get back to your core business and let Rumzer manage the details of SCIP system-to-system reporting.

Outsource the Headache

Developing and maintaiing your own custom application to manage SCIP submissions is costly and time consuming. Let the experts at Rumzer take care of it.

Keep Compliant

Comply with the EU's reporting requirements using SCIPBridge to batch process your required SCIP submissions.


Maintain access to the the world's 3rd largest economy with compliant business processes.

Elevate Your Brand.

Keep ahead of the competition with compliant, socially responsible products.
Customers want them. Regulators demand them.

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